Online donations and payments

Your contribution makes a difference!

With your help, we can make the Children's Eternal Rainforest truly eternal. Your donation through Amigos of Costa Rica is eligible for tax deduction in the US and Canada, and can be made by credit card, Venmo, PayPal, bank transfer or check.

Questions? Write to us at

Online payment for reservations

Use our online payment system below (Visa, MasterCard) to pay for your reservation. This system also works for direct donations if you don't need your donation to be tax deductible in the US.

Información General

Name *
Last name *
Email *
Phone *
Address: * Maximum 40 characters
ZipCode *
City *
State / Province *
Country *
Amount to apply (USD):
Amount to apply (USD): $ .
Purpose of payment:
Security Code: *

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